I am pleased to report that 2023 was another productive and successful year for the Ojibway Historical Preservation Society.
The OHPS’ next major project is the rebuild and rehabilitation of the Ojibway Club’s front dock. Specifically, the OHPS is planning to rebuild the dock area between the fire pump hut and the gift shop which is at the end of its lifespan. The dock will be raised approximately fourteen (14) inches to match the elevation standard set out by the other fixed docks and we will be expanding it out further into the bay to allow for more space at camp drop-off and for social events, honouring the heritage design that preceded the current configuration. The OHPS has been in consultation with contractors regarding pricing to complete the work based on engineered drawings that were procured in the past year. Please see the below concept drawing (prepared by Watt International) for illustrative purposes.
Further updates and details are forthcoming and we confirm that a fundraising campaign will begin in earnest this spring. We remind the community that any project undertaken by the OHPS must be fully funded before they can proceed.
Proposed Dock, Rendering by Watt International
The OHPS is happy to announce that Cam Richardson has taken on the role of board liaison between the Ojibway Club and the OHPS as of November of 2023. We would like to thank Rainer Kaufmann for his previous work in this position.
We would also like to put a call out to the Pointe au Baril community for volunteers to join our board. Many OHPS board members have been serving for a number of years and are due to come off the board after their valued years of service. If you have any interest in getting involved in the OHPS and contributing to your local community, please feel free to contact me directly at The continued success of the OHPS relies on the community’s generosity both financially and through its service. We hope you will reach out to see how you can contribute!
The Ojibway Island is the centre of the Pointe au Baril community, providing the focal point of our summers and community life. The OHPS is critical to this unique community’s operation and preservation. It has invested more than $5,000,000 in donor contributions towards the restoration of the heritage buildings and property on the Ojibway Island since the OHPS’ inception.
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the OHPS contributes to the preservation of the Ojibway Club and the structures on Ojibway Island to ensure that it will be there for future generations. To everyone who made donations both this past year and in prior years, the OHPS would like to extend its formal gratitude for doing so. If you have not yet had the opportunity to do so and wish to donate funds to the Pointe au Baril community, we hope you will consider contributing to the OHPS. We thank you for your support in advance.
Finally, a reminder that you are all invited to the Annual Meeting of the OHPS scheduled for Saturday July 13, 2024 (TBD) at The Ojibway Club Movie Hut immediately following the Annual General Meeting of The Ojibway Club. Please come to participate in the discussions shaping the work of the OHPS and meet the Board members. We look forward to seeing you there!
Further information about the OHPS and the history of the Ojibway Island is always available at
Sean Clarke
President & Board Chair
The Ojibway Historical Preservation Society